Synthesis: Time & Space

A combination of information design, music, and graphic art.

Music has been a staple in my life ever since I was born. There was always music playing in the house, and I was encouraged to play and make music of my own. This has carried into adulthood. I found myself making songs and beats outside of class, and began to develop an interest in the visual design of music; not just how the packaging is for music, but how a sound—based art form can translate into a 2—dimensional space. This is what led me to my degree project, where I explore the connections between music and graphic design. The project was realized firstly with the writing of a song, which I titled “The Last Transmission,” followed by the creation of a graphic score, a historically abstract way to visually compose music, the design of a record label, and its packaging for this release.

The song which served as the foundation for this project can be found below.